Restoration of existing areas of damaged, routinely harvested or destroyed mangrove forests have been recently estimated at Basanti Block by one of the Mukti field experts Mr. Ajay Naskar. Not only to help the environment but also to support the villagers for their livelihood, he had come up with a creative idea about how the Mangroves can be restored and showed the path how to preserve the Mangrove seeds for future plantation.
Seed Collection and Treatment:
Propagates of different Mangrove Species in Sunderban are available only during certain seasons. Seeds are collected from a well grown mature tree mostly from the nearest Mangrove forest during morning hours at low tide. Seeds which are immature, infected and smaller in size should not be collected. While collecting mature seeds with yellowish green coat the collector must check for insect borers and other damages. To ensure higher survivals of the plants, only mature and viable seeds are recommended for plantation.
After collecting the seeds they are cleaned properly and then spread on the floor and kept wet by sprinkling fresh water regularly. Young germinating seeds require freshwater which facilitates faster germination. After Immersion the outer coat loosens and gets removed. The seeds should be kept in an aerated condition by spreading on floor and sprinkling water regularly to keep the seeds viable for a longer time.
Site selection for the seed bed:
At Basanti Block Mukti has selected village Charane Khali under Uttar Mokamberiya Gram Panchayat because of its favorable geological location for Mangrove seed cultivation and plantation. The village is located just at the junction point of river Matla and Hogol, parallel to the tidal water source which daily flushes the seed bed. The village is also closer to the plantation site which will reduce labor while transporting grown up saplings from seed bed to plantation site. Water logging in the seed beds decays seeds and eventually they die. For this reason the seed bed is selected at the sloping bank of the river.
Workers working for seed collection:
Mukti has appointed 3-4 fishermen from the local villages to collect the seeds of Sundori, Goran, Gayoya, Kankra, , Keyora etc from the banks of the rivers. For the Kankra seeds they have to go the deeper part of the Mangrove forest. Mukti has a plan to plant Mangrove on 7 hectare of land by the river side. The project has started from 25th August and till now Mukti has collected seeds for 4 hectare of land. Mukti will give an honorarium to the fishermen engaged with the seed collection program.
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