MUKTI in association with “Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission” and supported by “Jan Shikshan Sansthan” under the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, Govt. of India has facilitated 20 trainees in electronics and hardware (electrical technician) and 15 trainees of plumbing with certificates for the successful completion of their training.
The facilitation program has been organized by Mukti on 14th May 2022 at Uttar Kankandighi Mukti support School and has been attended by the Rotary club members, two trainers Mr. Debkumar Mondal (plumbing), Mr. Ramkrishna Mistry (electronics), Mr. Bimal Khan – MSS project coordinator, Mr. Madhusudhan Bairagi – senior working committee member of Mukti, Mr. Sudip – staff of Nagendrapur Ramkrishna Mission, Mr. Sumon Jana – center in-charge Uttar Kanknadighi MSS, Mr. Satadal Halder, Mr. Souvik Poria – MIT (Mukti Information Technology) and the 35 trainees.
Mukti provided vocational training to the unemployed, economically backward youth on electronics and hardware (electrical technician) from 22nd October 2021 to 20th January 2022 and on plumbing from 8th November to January 2022. After the completion of the training, Mukti takes a practical and theoretical test that the trainees have successfully passed.
Some of the trainees are already earning a livelihood in Bangalore and have become the supporting pillar of their families.