From 2020 till date through Mukti Employment Exchange many jobseekers got job. Mukti provides a platform for better career opportunity by the Employment Exchange to the poor and needy.
There are countless jobseekers, who come from underprivileged backgrounds, looking for jobs. These youngsters’ ambitions face a lot of hurdles – limited opportunities, access to quality education and financial challenges in their homes. Most of their parents work in the informal sector which is still the largest employment provider in the country, with no access to benefits and social security; they are rarely even accorded dignity for their work.
As social animals, they all want a better life for themselves and for their parents. To help these youngsters’ Mukti Employment Exchange gives priority on to find a job that pays them well, as well as a better position. Even at the hardest time of Corona Pandemic when whole world was suffering from layoffs, Mukti supported the helpless jobseekers and helped them by providing jobs.
Debkumar Bikram: Mr. Debkumar Bikram completed his BA with Political Science Honors and started seeking job. He belonged from a very needy family and dreamt of living a better life. To stand by his family just after the completion of his studies he applied to Mukti Employment Exchange on January 2020 and on September 2020 he got the job as data entry operator of the MCDF.
Subrata Bera: Mr. Subrata Bera is father of one child and in his family he is the only earner. To support his family he went to Kolkata and got a job under private sector. Due to Corona layoff started in his office. He was one of the unfortunate who lost job and came back to his village. Unaware of the unknown future he got depressed. One fine morning he came to Mukti for help and applied to Mukti Employment Exchange. On September 2020 he joined Mukti as a data entry operator of the MCDF.
Monika Mistri: She had passed B Sc. with pure Science. Due to financial challenges and the illness of her father she could not further continue her studies and started seeking job. Her brother is also a student and he is continuing his studies with Mukti scholarship. To assist her family she applied to Mukti Employment Exchange in February 2020 and got job in January 2021 as a data entry operator of MCDF.
Satadal Halder: Mr. Satadal Halder passed B.A and from that time he was trying to get a job. He attended interview in many private companies but did not succeed. He applied to Mukti Employment Exchange. Mukti Employment Exchange arranged interviews for him and he got success. Due to the pandemic his job did not get confirmed. Mukti Employment Exchange team stood beside him and on March 2021he was appointed as Data Collector of Mukti Employment Exchange.
Krishna Das: She comes from a background where early marriage was a norm. At just sixteen, her family wanted her to marry, but Krishna had different plans. She stood firm against her parents’ wishes, determined to continue her education and avoid becoming a child bride. She completed her graduation and enrolled in the SURYA Centre in Raidighi to become self-sufficient. There, she completed her DTP course and was selected as a Trainee Customer Care Executive at Mukti Community Business (MCB) in Kolkata on 6th February 2025.
Priyanka Mayra: She has completed her graduation with honours in Geography and has begun looking for a job. She comes from a very needy family; her father is a daily labourer, and her mother is a housewife. Three months ago, she enrolled in our SURYA Centre for the DTP course. On 6th February 2025, she was selected and joined as a Trainee Customer Care Executive at Mukti Community Business in Kolkata.
Tamalika Deyashi: She has completed her graduation with honours in Geography and has started seeking a job. She comes from a very needy family and is the eldest daughter among three siblings. Her father is a farmer, and her mother is a housewife. Three months ago, she enrolled in our SURYA Centre for the DTP course. On 6th February 2025, she was selected and joined as a Trainee Customer Care Executive at Mukti Community Business, Kolkata.
Kaushik Purkait: He completed his graduation in Geography and began seeking employment. His father works as an Accountant at MUKTI (MCDF), while his mother is involved with MUKTI as a social worker. Despite his educational qualifications, Kaushik struggled to secure a job due to a lack of organizational skills, which hindered his performance in interviews.
Three months ago, Kaushik enrolled in the DTP course at our SURYA Centre. Thanks to his dedication and improved skills, he was selected for a position as an IT Trainee cum MIS Executive at VIEW TECH GROUP, Joynagar, on 4th March 2025.