The construction work has been started from 10th August 2021, on the dirt road leading to the Mukti SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) office at Mukti Gram, Purba Sridharpur under Nagendrapur GP, Mathurapur block II. It is very difficult to walk in the rainy season through that dirt road. Mukti has engaged labors to construct the road so that people can walk on it easily irrespective of all seasons. The construction of this road has started with Mukti’s own efforts and with the permission of the Gram Panchayat
Mukti is constructing the 100 meters long and 4’ width road with 6,000- 7,000 concrete paver blocks for its durability and aesthetic aspect and is easily repairable. The base is well compacted to lay the bedding sand for a smooth and even surface. The sand bedding provides final leveling properties as well as helping to secure the paver units in place. To eliminate any lateral movement of the pavers and sand bedding 6” edge casting has been made. Finally laying the pavers onto the bedding sand and fitting them into the desired area completes the task. The process is an easy approach for road construction in rural areas.
4 skilled laborers from Gosaba and 2-3 local villagers are engaged in the construction work. The laborers are working on a contract basis whereas the villagers are working under “Food for Work”.
The initiative of Mukti has provided durable and sustainable road infrastructure. It will help hundreds of villagers to reach their destination easily.
Gallery link: http://localhost/mukti-old/gallery/album/mukti-is-constructing-the-road-leading-to-mukti-sam-office-with-paver-blocks