Mukti to support the SAM (Sustainable agricultural Movement) farmers have taken an initiative to build 200 vermicompost pits in 8 villages of Nagendrapur and Kankandighi GP. To date, 42 pits have been made by Mukti.
Since the inception of SAM project in 2009 Mukti is inspiring the farmers to follow a sustainable farming system for cultivation. To achieve this goal Mukti has organized many training sessions to train the farmers for making organic fertilizers and pesticides at home. But the farmers were facing difficulties in making adequate fertilizer. They have repeatedly appealed to Mukti to make some vermicompost pits for them. In response to their request, Mukti has planned to help those 200 farmers with vermicompost pits.
Each pit is like a tank made of cement measuring 8’/6’ with 3 chambers. Farmers will spread some earthworms at the base of the tank then put some soil in the tank and make it full by half. Finally, the tank will be filled with organic matter and organic wastes like – cow or goat dung, organic sludge, tree leaves, crop residues, sawdust, sugarcane trash, weeds, coir waste, slurry from the biogas plant, poultry droppings, Vegetable waste and water.
Vermicompost contains water-soluble nutrients and is an excellent, nutrient-rich organic fertilizer and soil conditioner. It is widely used for gardening and sustainable organic farming.
The farmers express their gratitude to Mukti. They are very excited after receiving the help.