Mukti has organized a meeting with the VOICE team (Women action group/WAG) at Raidighi on 14th April 2022. The session has been conducted to introduce the concept of patriarchy through tools, games of subjugation and discussion. 20 women participated in the session.
Through the game of subjugation, Mukti has explained how patriarchal society is forcing women unknowingly to follow some patriarchal norms from generation after generation.
The game has been played in the followed format – the director of the game has placed her right hand in front of a woman’s face. The second woman is instructed to follow the right hand of the first woman. All the women participating in the game are told to follow the movement of the hand of the woman in front of them. They can’t turn their eyes or head in any way. The way the director of the game moves her own body and hand, they have to anyhow follow it serially.
Through this game, they have been meant that despite the difficulties, they are not trying to break the chain. We all are blindly following the rules of the patriarchal society and these rules are so ingrained in us that we are accepting them all without asking questions. We don’t even think about why we accept them or what will happen if we deny accepting them. With this tool, Mukti introduced these ideas to the participants.
The game has been followed by a discussion session. Through the discussion, they have been taught what patriarchal society really is and who plays what role – both father and mother. In our society, we see that in the family the rules that the father applies to everyone according to his own will are the rules that the mother nurtures as a protector. So the system of the family remains intact and no new rules can intrude. On the other hand, when the mother becomes the head of the family, she also follows the rules of patriarchy. She unknowingly imitates her father’s or husband’s wishes and acts as a representative of the patriarchal society.
With this session as a part of technical training, they have been also trained to host a virtual meeting – how to start a virtual meeting, how to add people and how to share the meeting link etc.
Mukti will soon organize some more workshops on this subject in more detail.