On the occasion of New Year, 2021, Mukti celebrated “Danotsav” as the concluding part of the “Sankalpa Diwas” program. Mukti aimed to bring people together from all aspect of life and encouraged them to perform an act of “giving”.
In response to Mukti’s call, people came forward and performed acts of kindness by giving their time, material etc in interesting ways to any cause(s) of their choice. Mukti requested not to give money to anyone.
30-35 people donated their surplus belongings to 2,500 people mainly students and needy people. Students received study materials, laborers received towel, Brahmins received “Namaboli” and Gita and others received cloths, blanket, medicines etc. 100 blankets were given. Their supports made difference to many lives in need and put a smile on the faces.
Mukti hopes that like this year in the coming years also more people will come forward to help the needy.