A unique preparatory workshop focused on harnessing the power of education to embrace and adopt green initiatives was held on 28th October 2024 at Mukti Project Office, Purba Sridharpur by Praxis. The workshop was supported by Amplifying Community Voices Consortium (Praxis, Praajak, NCAS, Rupantaran, ISWS, BTS, DRCSC, and Mukti). Praxis facilitated the entire workshop. The purpose of this workshop was to help adolescents to understand the concept of climate change and its impact on child rights.
The session began with an engaging icebreaker activity, where participants were asked to introduce themselves by relating to one thing about the Sundarbans, a region known for its rich biodiversity and unique environmental challenges. The exercise helped participants connect personally to the theme of environmental sustainability.
Exercises involved participants drawing an outline of the human body and mapping various child rights to different body parts. The creative exercise was designed to highlight the fundamental rights every child deserves, from safety and education to participation and health. A particularly noteworthy moment occurred in the boys’ group, where participants identified a critical issue related to girl child rights. They discussed the importance of providing support to girls during menstruation, recognizing the need to address the issue openly and without stigma. This led to a broader conversation about gender equality and the importance of inclusive education. After collective discussion they jointly came to a common agreement that most of the child rights are violated in climate change or environmental degradation.
After the successful completion of the workshop, three adolescent leaders were selected, one among them will represent Mukti at “Harnessing the Power of Education to Embrace and Adopt Green Initiatives” programme by TATA Steel in Jamshedpur on 13th and 14th December 2024. The workshop was an initiative to build the capacity of future leaders, who will raise voice for the fundamental and environmental rights of children.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/workshop-on-leveraging-education-for-green-initiatives