Training on Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) and Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment (PVCA) was organized at the Raidighi office of Mukti between 22nd to 24th September 2020.
The training was supported by OAK. People from DRCSC have organized this training.
Almost 22 participants were present in the training on each day. They were the OAK project staffs of Mukti and Project Coordinators of the other existing projects along with the women leaders from the MCDF groups.
The training process contributed on the following:
. Identifying vulnerable household vis-à-vis the vulnerability factors.
Participants had learnt about the various tools like the social, resource, Hazard, Climate hazard trend, social mobility, seasonal scarcity, and seasonal calendar and Venn diagrams.
The participants were able to analyse the social, economic, vulnerable and power factors which would help them in the Village Development plan.
The training received a very positive feedback from the participants.
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