On the sunny morning of 18th February, an enthusiastic group of 18 math teachers assembled at the MIT office in Raidighi. They were teachers from the cluster of MSS centers in and around Raidighi and were participating in a one-day workshop on teaching mathematics in upper primary and secondary school levels. The trainers were Gouranga Sarkhel of Keshtopur High School and A.T.M. Naimul Haque of Harinavi D.V.A.S High School, both of whom are associated with “Anusondhan”, a voluntary organization of government school teachers that made a mark in the field of education by providing free online mock tests to Madhyamik exam aspirants.
The inaugural address, explaining the objectives of the workshop, was delivered by Dr. Alokananda Ghosh, representing Mukti’s education wing. She said that this was not a math coaching camp for teachers, but a forum for developing their skills by sharing their thoughts with the trainers and fellow teachers. The training program aims to create a classroom environment that alleviates the fear of math and turns it into a joyful learning activity.
Gouranga Sarkhel started the training by discussing the most common teaching challenges that the participants identified. The discussion was highly interactive, and the teachers made models as aids for teaching fractional numbers, LCM, GCF and the concepts of set theory through an abundance of fun examples.
In the post-lunch session, teachers were grouped and assigned some activities covering the syllabi of mensuration and geometry. The septuagenarian teacher from Digambarpur, Nimai Middye’s ‘hands-on’ model earned the earnest appreciation of the trainers. They presented Mr. Middye with the Anusondhan test papers as a mark of their appreciation. Three other teachers, Raja Naskar from Santoshnagar MSS, Rakhi Mondal from Deulbari MSS, and Montu Mistry from Jogendrapur MSS, were also highly appreciated for their model-making.
The participants were very happy with the workshop and committed to applying the learnings in the classroom. The trainers were happy as well and expressed their intent to follow up with further activities. The workshop proved to be inspirational for all and promises to result in improved learning outcomes in the classroom.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-organized-mss-teacher-s-training-session-on-math