Mr. Rajkumar Das, representative of “United Way Kolkata” with his friend Mr. Sasanka Ghosh and family members have visited Mukti Gram on 25th December 2021, Saturday. They have stayed there for 3 days.
“United Way Kolkata” is supporting Mukti to crate 200 vermicompost kits and to provide training on organic kitchen gardens for 3 years.
They have arrived at PurbaSridharpur at 12 noon. Mukti SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Program) project coordinator Mr. Sourabh Kayal along with other SAM staff Mr. Laxmikanta Sarodar, Mr. Arabindo Mondal, Mr. Pintu Kumar Purakait and Mr. Suborno Kar have invited them at the entrance of Mukti Gram. They have visited Mukti Gram, the mangrove project plantation site and 3 new vermin compost kits, “United Way Kolkata” has supported for at Purba Sridharpur.
On the second day, they have visited the tourist spot at Bonnie Camp, one of the attractive wild watchtowers in the Sundarbans. In three and a half hours by launch, Mr. Das and his companions crossed the Matla, Thakuran and Vidyadhari rivers and reached there with the Mukti staff. The place is well protected with a fence of 10 feet high and 20 feet trench and a sweet water pond is also located there for the wildlife, coming in search of water.
On the third day, they have visited the farming lands of 8 Mukti organic farmers and Bio-manure pits at Nagendrapur, Paschim Jata and Purba Jata. Mukti SAM staff have explained and demonstrated to them how Mukti makes the bio-manure pits and its utility in organic farming. They are overwhelmed by the role of Mukti in contributing to organic farming.
At the end of their journey, they have thanked the Mukti staff for their sincere hospitality and said that visiting Mukti is a remarkable event for them. This is an unprecedented experience that can be share with their colleagues, fellow donors, and relatives. They have been educated themselves about an issue that’s new to them or has emerged as a key concern in their philanthropy. They have been affluent by seeing the local context, engaging with practitioners and meeting with the people who are most directly benefitted. They are assured that their philanthropy is having the intended effect-work is proceeding as expected and impacting the lives of the beneficiaries.
They have returned on the morning of 28th December, promising to visit again.
Mukti has thanked Mr. Roy as a representative of “United Way Kolkata” for visiting Mukti Gram. Mukti is overwhelmed by their friendly behavior and proud to be associated with them.