After the announcement of the new board the Founder-President Mr. Sankar Halder was invited on the stage to inspire the audience with his valuable speech.
“I greet all the new board members, MCDF members and their Presidents, volunteers, my seniors, who had shown me the way, educated me, till now they are showing me the path. Showing respect to them, I the Founder of Mukti is going to share my views.
Today’s speech may to not be too splendid or as regular. But I am going to discuss on some of very important points and will try to take out the solutions.
The foremost problem that we are undergoing at present is the election and political disorder. Mukti founded on 2003 and got registration at 2005. We have seen such political dilemma on 2011 and now the same thing is happening in 2021. It’s inevitable and we will observe such situations in future days also. In a democratic country like us it is very common. This is our responsibility to elect a efficient leader for our nation. We choose them for the prosperity on our country, those who will use the money for the cause of the country. We, who are sitting here, are inspired by different ideal of different political parties. Now, the question arises, at this present time when we are going under such political dilemma what will be the directions of Mukti? It is very important to know how to deal with the situation. If it is not cleared then maybe we get disoriented.
From the very first day Mukti Committee Members decided to create an apolitical organization which will work irrespective of religion and cast. For now it was like a theoretical knowledge, but now the time has come that we realize it’s true meaning and work accordingly. It is a difficult job. You had seen in the past programs of Mukti we had invited political parties, Government officials but in today’s program the number is limited. Especially those who are selected as political candidates, Mukti decided not to invite them for the General Meeting.
Now, back to the main discussion – Mukti thinks that Politics is a main stream of social work if it is performed honestly. If a NGO does not bring under control the great purpose of politics they will not be able to serve the society in a vast range. The main purpose of the NGO and political parties are same. Both work for society – education, livelihood, health, agriculture, environment etc and if that is the main goal for both of the institutions are same then there must not be any conflict. Mukti does not encourage political issues to be discussed in any of its program or activities. But that does not mean we don’t have any political awareness, political thoughts. Neither we instruct anyone to vote different political parties nor do we instruct to vote one particular party. My request to all of you is that you may appreciate a political party but when you are working for Mukti do it as a neutral. For an active political party member it is hard to work as neutral, but he/she must do it, otherwise he/she will lose acceptability. A political party leader gets acceptance only by his own party members, but a social worker is loved by all. Mukti is like a honey comb and its members are like Honey Bee who produces honey and not poisonous stings like Wasp (Bolta). If we work as a group then we can control every adverse situation.
We Mukti volunteers have nothing to lose or regret for. We don’t need throne as we love to sleep on earth. We don’t hesitate to ask favor from anyone. We get appreciation from people but still we know there are many holes to fill up. Yes, there are gaps in Mukti’s work also and it’s important to discuss about it. Sometimes while working for people we don’t get time for our family members, which is equally important. An unhappy man cannot make others happy.
For this reason I believe a hermit cannot prosper a nation. He never seen a domestic life, he never sacrifices for his children, never felt the affection of a child, never gone through the” Four Ashrams” of a man’s life. He cannot feel others love. I believe a person, who experienced all the emotions of domestic life and still get the courage to serve the society, is a true Monk. I am a great follower of Swami Vivekananda but still I am not agree with one of his believes that a man can’t achieve “Sonnays” just after “Bramhacharya”. He must go through the other two Ashrams – “Garhosto” (family life) and “Banprostho” (social work).
We don’t know for how many years we shall live. There’s no specific time or age for social work. People irrespective of age, social status, educational qualification, occupation can be a true social worker. We must educate our children at their very young age otherwise it will not get exposure in future. He will never feel the eagerness to work for the society. Perseverance is important for the improvements of human soul. It makes a man into a true human being. As I do, I also hope that everyone will agree my logics.
Now, what is Mukti and what is the path? Abstinence is not Mukti. We can achieve Mukti while remaining surrounded by thousand bonding. Mukti volunteers are like the flame of a lamp who are enlightening the society through their lights. We dream of such society. To become a lamp, you must burn yourself first. There will be fascination, desire and hopes. We will have to spread love by overcoming all these attractions. This will remain to us as Mukti. If we do not realize the meaning then this organization will come to an end.
Mukti to women empowerment – 200 years back Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar had shown us the way to women empowerment. We are following his way. We are organizing women, conducting skill trainings for them through MCDF project. It is only the external face. We want to see our women are elected as MLA. We want them to be decision makers. We wish someday we will get women leaders who will lead our country to prosper. For the development of the society women awakening is vital. Every woman concealed a huge atom within herself. Mukti is trying to boost up their power.
Mukti belies work at your best potential and you will get the result one day.”
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