Saplings are like children that need nurturing, care and a proper environment to grow in. Where the saplings do not find such conditions to grow, results are not good; many saplings die before achieving the status of trees. Due to lack of pre and post-planting management, moisture stress, poor soil, planting an unmanageable number of seedlings, lack of enforcement and monitoring systems at the grassroots level, it is not possible to achieve maximum success in the transformation of saplings into trees.
To address these issues and to aware the women of the SHGs about the rules for post plantation caring techniques, Mukti on 27th September 2021, Monday organise a meeting at Mukti Library office at Purba Sridharpur under Nagendrapur GP, Mathurapur block II, South 24 Parganas. The meeting is conducted by Mr. Harisadhan Mondal, the project coordinator of Mukti Gram and the Mukti working committee members Mr. Chitta Ranjan Halder, Mr. Bijoy Krishna Halder, Mr. Palan Chandra Sarkar and Mr. Subarna Kar are present as Mukti officials. Mukti invited 2 members from the listed 19-20 SHGs to attend the meeting. The meeting is scheduled for 3 to 5 p.m.
The roadside plantation was done on a 12 km road of Mukti village. Each group was provided 200 coconut saplings and 200 saplings of Hibiscus (Jaba) or Oleander (Korobi) flowers for plantation. 200 members of 20 SHGs received total of 8,000 saplings. They are in charge of maintaining these saplings.
Mukti instructs them on how to take care of those saplings
Deep watering – Young trees require regular watering for good health and disease prevention. Deep watering prevents weak surface roots from forming and encourages the growth of robust roots underground.
Check soil moisture once a week 4-6 inches below the surface. Soil should be moist but not wet.
Watch for signs of drought stress – are leaves wilting, yellowing, curling or browning at the edges?
Plants and weeds compete with the tree for water and nutrients. Keep the base of the tree free of other living plants such as weeds or grass.
Protect young trees from chemicals. Pesticides and herbicides can burn or damage a young tree’s roots and leaves. Instead, use organic manure for a healthy plantation.
Prune the young trees in regular intervals.
Insects and fungi must be checked regularly. Only previously tested and environmentally sound insecticides and fungicides should be prescribed for use.
Domestic animals: grazing or browsing by cattle can be a menace to young plantations. At times, hedges and fences can be used to prevent intrusion by domestic animals. Where fencing costs are high or are not possible trespass by livestock can be controlled.
Re-plantation: The dead trees should be removed and new saplings should be planted in that place. The new saplings will be provided from Mukti nurseries.
To meet the purpose of the plantation, Mukti encouraged the SHG members by providing food support of Rs. 2,000 per month.
They promised that they would take care of the trees in accordance with the rules set out by Mukti.