On 26th July 2021 Monday Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF) Presidents met together at Raidighi MCDF office to discuss the group management and financial norms. 18 Presidents from the branches of Canning, Basanti, Raidighi I and II, Purba Sridharpur, Kankandighi, Herembogopalpur, Radhakantapur, Krishnachandrapur, Patharpratima, Koultola, Kultali, Jaynagar I, Sonatikari, Debipur, Komrapara, Manirtat, and Jalaberiya joined the meeting. With the MCDF Presidents MCDF project manager Mr. Raghunath Bairagi, Mukti volunteers Mr. Dhananjay, Mr. Susanta Purkait, Mr. Gopal Sardar, Mr. Kamal Samanta, Mr. Rajeswar Purkait, and Mr. Subrata Bera attended the meeting. The meeting continued from 12 to 3 PM.
Mr. Soumitra Bose is an ex-auditor and is associated with Mukti for the last 6-7 months, was invited to review the activities of MCDF, to discuss how MCDF can extent further, and to guide them how to work by compliance the regulations of the Government.
The meeting started with the introduction of the Presidents. Later on, Mr. Soumitra Bose introduced himself and explained for what reason he has come to meet them. He talked with each President and wanted to know about their group member, activities, and the problems they are facing.
MCDF Presidents responded to Mr. Bose and the discussion of the meeting proceeded on the issues they mentioned.
New groups are formed by organizing meetings. In each group, there must be 10-12 women whose monthly savings will be Rs.150-200. After 6 months the group members will get loans three times their savings. They will get that loan at the rate of 1%. Health loans will be provided if any of the group members encounter any danger. Members can avail of personal loans also with which they can start animal husbandry, fishery, cultivation of paddy and vegetables and thus can be self-reliant. Besides Mukti give them handicraft training.