Similar to the work being done at Mukti Gram, Purba Sridharpur, Mukti has started the process of integrated development at Egra block of Purba Medinipur district by combining different development services into a consistent delivery system with the aim of improving the well-being of rural populations. With this aim, Mukti volunteers of Egra block have started developing healthcare services, infrastructure, livelihood, education and environment development in full swing.
Healthcare Services – An ambulance and three oxygen cylinders have been deployed to provide immediate medical services to the underprivileged and to facilitate easy access of the patients to the hospital. The ambulance service has been started in partnership with “Maiti Foundation”, founded by Mr. Bani Kumar Maiti, who has personally donated the three oxygen cylinders.
Infrastructure – 100 street lights have been installed in 21villages.
Livelihood – 38 SHGs have been formed as part of the Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF) project. This aims to inculcate a culture of financial savings and income generation through support groups, which will lead to self-reliance, dignity, and empowerment for rural women. 36000 chicks, along with chick-rearing training, have been distributed to 3600 MCDF members of Egra block with the support of “Coal India” as part of the livelihood efforts.
Education – Mukti has launched 13Kishalaya and 5 Mukti support schools (MSS) at Egra Block, where 250 Kishalaya students and 285 MSS students are receiving quality education for a minimal fee. “Maiti Foundation” provides daily healthy snacks like seasonal fruits, boiled eggs, biscuits and chickpeas to the students.
Environment – Mukti has created a nursery on 3-4 katha of land at Shipur Suniya. Saplings of Dragon fruit (500), Guava (50) and lemon (50) are being nurtured and propagated in the nursery. The saplings will be used for plantation later on. The nurseryhas become a source of livelihood for local people.