Mukti’s Talented Student Sponsorship (TSS) program aims to prepare students to gain meaningful occupations after the completion of his/her education with support from their sponsors. Besides providing financial support, the sponsor can communicate with the student through an exchange of letters as well as through visits to provide moral support. Since its inception in 2006, TSS has supported many talented students from the medical, engineering, science and general departments to build their careers. Mukti encourages the students to participate in social work and believes that someday after establishing themselves in a position of strength; they will pass on the kindness they have received to others.
On 17th December 2022, Saturday, at 10 AM, the 17th Annual TSS event and award ceremony was held at the K. P. Basu auditorium of Jadavpur University, Kolkata. Participation of 160 people (91 students, 26 parents, 19 office staff, 8 field office staff, 5 board members, 7 TSS sponsors and 3 guests) made the event a grand success. The program was chaired by Dr. Niladri Bagchi, a medical practitioner and a TSS sponsor. Among the other distinguished guests were Mr. Pradip Chandra (CEO of Elogix Software Pvt. Ltd), Mr. Tarun Kr. Naskar (Professor at Jadavpur University and Ex MLA and member of the education streaming committee), Mr. Deborshi Saha (CSR representative of Srijan Realty Pvt. Ltd. and TSS sponsor), Mr. Dulal Mondal (Professor at Jadavpur University), Mr. Timir Baran Bhattacharya (TSS sponsor and Mukti Board member), Mr. Chandan Kumar Maiti (Headmaster of Krishnachandrapur High School and General Secretary of Advanced Society of Headmasters and Headmistress (ASFHM)), Mr. Animesh Datta (Custom silicon Design Engineer. Apple Inc (Electrical Eng. from IIT and a recipient of circuits and system society. VLSI Transactions Best Paper Award in Asia), Mr. Satyajit Ray (Mukti secretary) and Mr. Sankar Halder (Mukti president and founder) and others were present.
The event was conducted by Sakuntala Halder (TSS alumni, and presently working at the postal Department as GDS (MC)) and Sumon Poren (TSS scholar, B.E chemical eng 4th yr). Champa Bharmi and Bina Das, both TSS scholars, felicitated the guests with sashes and bouquets. The event started with the ceremonial lamp lighting and an inaugural song (“Amar matha noto kore dayo he tomar chorono dhular tole”, by Rabindranath Tagore) sung by TSS students Sushma Bhowmik and Bularani Mondal.
The welcome speech was delivered by Mr. Satyajit Ray, Mukti’s secretary. He said that Mukti was proud to witness the eminent gathering. He said we come into life alone, and depart alone, but in between, we live with others. The meaning of life is to be with everyone. TSS started with Sankar’s philosophy of life and since then TSS has completed 18 years. In these 18 years, we have been able to help more than 1,200 disadvantaged students to the best of our ability. There was much more that was needed and we could only do a little. Meritorious people like you who have established yourselves, you who can be an example for others – Mukti is eternally grateful to you for the way you help students. On this day, the Mukti family finds a new meaning of life with you. The aim of this program is to let the students hear from you about the ideals you have grown up with, the ideals you are helping students with so that they too can become genuine people by following such ideals. I tell all the students that you can’t grow up alone in life and there is no point in growing up alone. Life is meaningful when you help others grow in the future just as you grow with the help of others at present. Spread your vision to others. This is how society is rectified and this is our tradition. In this way, you too become the bearer of India’s culture and philosophy. Be good to yourself and do well to others. At the end of my speech, I welcome all the students, their parents, sponsors, other distinguished guests, Mukti staff and volunteers.
After the secretary’s speech, a short video was displayed about the TSS project.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/17th-annual-tss-event