In most of Mukti’s public programs, that I have had the honor and privilege to participate, the famous Tagore Song “এই আকাশে আমার মুক্তি আলোয় আলোয়” (My freedom is in the light under the sky) is a common inaugural choir. Under the able leadership of its president, secretary and executive board – and given the broad arena of philanthropic initiatives that Mukti India has involved itself into – the choice of this song as the NGO’s prime theme is as much praiseworthy as it is thought-provoking.
In this article, by pondering further on this particular line of this song, I would humbly endeavor to share my personal perspective to explore “How can light be a source of freedom”? Towards this, we may just need to refresh a bit of Physics to summarize the scientific theories around the nature of light:
Since 17th century, Newton made the world believe, that light is stream of “particles”(He named it “Corpuscles”). His hypothesis was that light rays are observed to travel in straight lines and the way light bounces off a mirror is very much like the way a ball bounces off a hard wall. During 1800, Thomas Young, observed and experimented on the contrary, that at interfaces (e.g. between that of air and water), some light is reflected back while the rest is refracted (bending obliquely in a different straight line) into water with a lower speed. Moreover, different colors of light bend at different degrees. Corpuscular Theory couldn’t explain such behaviors, but the new “Wave Theory” could. Thus the world started to believe that light must be a “wave” – and it propagates just like the ripples generated in a pond – upon throwing a stone therein – does. With the turn of the twentieth century, there was another transformation when “Quantum Theory” got introduced. Einstein won the Nobel Prize in 1921 because he described light as particles carrying “Quanta” (discrete packets of energy)– which, to some extent, again brought back light’s particle theory in forefront. The great debate and curiosity around the nature of light didn’t stop therein. Without getting further into the cryptic theory and mathematics around it, the behavior of such quantum particles (like Light) can be summarized as follows in crude and simple layman’s term:
In the light of the above understanding, perhaps a way to portray and correlate such traits with that of attaining freedom could be:
The more Science is gradually unearthing the secrets on the design of our own human anatomy as well as that of this Universe, the more it is perhaps getting apparent that the universal code is written quite contrary to the way we have conceived, designed, and remunerated our own civilization system – where individuality and agenda takes center stage in every transaction. The true essence of Mukti (freedom)cannot thus just be modeled by announcing a financial bonanza towards the communities of lesser gods while aggrandizing personal agendas – but it’s an arduous act of enabling individuals to generate “consciousness in every soul” which understands the language of “anonymity” and “unconditionality” – be it in love, presence, excellence, or collaboration.
To conclude and in my humble opinion, Tagore, was as much a marvel of literature as he was in understanding this code of universal design that science is still in the process of gradually revealing….
…. এতো প্রেমে, এতো প্রেমে… মোর “আমি” ডুবে যাক নেমে …
(… amid so much of love, let the “I” in me get drowned forever)
My regards to every Mukti Sathi with a wish that may all your endeavors generate that consciousness among all “humanity” to bring back that elusive essence of freedom the universe is in dire need of…..
Thank You