Science and mathematics educators from Mukti Support Schools, spanning Mathurapur II & Mathurapur I Blocks, and Canning, underwent an enriching experience during workshops facilitated by teacher trainers affiliated with government schools.
In a collaborative effort with the Science Communicators Forum (SCF), renowned for orchestrating the Science Congress nationwide, Mukti organized a dynamic science teaching workshop in Raidighi on March 29, 2024. Commencing at 10:30 am and concluding at 5:30 pm, the workshop saw Sri Saikat Ganguly from SCF spearheading the proceedings. Attended by 22 teachers representing 14 schools across the blocks mentioned above, the workshop was designed to invigorate textbook-centric science instruction, nurturing an engaging and interactive classroom environment conducive to joyful learning. Teachers delved into hands-on model-making, exploring concepts ranging from air pressure to electricity and gravitation. The lively exchange during the question-answer segment further enriched the collective learning experience. As the day drew to a close, teachers were entrusted with follow-up tasks to be undertaken collaboratively with their students, nurturing a culture of active participation and inquiry within Mukti Support Schools.
Simultaneously, Anusondhan, a voluntary organization comprising government school educators specializing in secondary and higher secondary level mathematics, convened a workshop on mathematical pedagogy at Mukti’s site office in Raibaghini Morh, Canning, on March 31, 2024. With 25 mathematics teachers representing 14 Mukti Support Schools in attendance, the workshop served as a rallying point to address the concerning trend of waning student interest in mathematics. Naimul Hoque and Gouranga Sarkhel from Anusondhan spearheaded the session, recognizing the urgency for a paradigm shift in mathematics instruction away from rote learning practices. Through a blend of riddles, model demonstrations, and interactive discussions, the veteran educators elucidated the imperative for embracing innovative teaching methodologies to rekindle student enthusiasm for mathematics. Encouraged by the insights gained, teachers pledged to adopt these transformative approaches in their classrooms. Establishing a dedicated WhatsApp group fortified the bonds forged during the workshop, facilitating ongoing collaboration, idea-sharing, and problem-solving among participants.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-organized-maths-workshop-for-mss-teachers-at-canning