RSETI (Rural Self Employment Training Institutes) organized a ten-day advanced training program in food processing for rural women with the objectives of identifying, training, motivating & facilitating unemployed youth to create sustainable livelihoods through self-employment. 20 MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) members of Kankandighi Mukti Training Center participated in the training program. The training was held from 11 AM to 4 PM on 19th to 28th November 2022.
The RSETI trainer Mr. Uttam Adak trained the entrepreneurs on the preparation of masala powder for different vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes, the preparation of different varieties of pickles and sauces and the preparation of various types of hot chips (papad). He conducted both theory and practical classes. He also taught them about the packaging of food products, market surveys, marketing management etc.
The trainees expressed their satisfaction after the training. While appreciating the usefulness of the training program, they said that it had developed their self-confidence, motivated them, helped them in removing inferiority complex and low self-esteem, and above all taught them the importance of a positive attitude and human values.