Mukti Education organized a thought-provoking panel discussion on January 6th, 2024, as part of the vibrant setting of the “Sundarban Agriculture, Education, Handicrafts, and Environment Fair 2024.” The central theme of this engaging discourse revolved around the “Position and Scope of Holistic Education in the Context of the Current Education System.”
The distinguished panel comprised educationists such as Mr. Lakkhon Chandra Mondal, a retired educator from Kharapara High School, Mr. Animesh Naskar, a teacher at Raidighi Srifaltala Chandrakanta Uchcha Vidyalaya, Mr. Gautam Chatterjee, formerly of Jadavpur High School and currently serving as the Headmaster of Government Model School, along with Mr. Krisnendu Achariya, a Professor of Botany at Kolkata University. Joining them were Mr. Abhijit Kundu, an accomplished Agricultural Scientist, Mr. Chandan Maity, the Headmaster of Krishna Chandrapur High School, and Mr. Sankar Halder, the Founder – President of Mukti.
The discussion that ensued delved deeply into the prevalent scenario of the Indian education system, shedding light on the discourse of comprehensive education within the educational policy. Despite its widespread mention, many educational institutions struggle with the implementation of holistic education, often confining themselves to textbooks. While teachers receive training on holistic methodologies, their successful integration remains a challenge. Participants unanimously emphasized the urgent necessity for holistic education in contemporary times. They emphasized that education loses its essence when it is disconnected from the environment, society, and community.
Reflecting on the 77 years post-independence, the panelists lamented the inability to fully embrace holistic education. They deliberated extensively on the reasons behind the reluctance to adopt universal education and critically examined the shortcomings within the current education system. The conversation revolved around strategies to universalize education, aiming to bridge the gaps hindering the realization of a truly comprehensive educational framework.
The event provided a platform for educationists to dissect, analyze, and propose solutions to the challenges obstructing the integration of holistic education within the Indian educational landscape.