On 19th June 2022 Rudranagar Bishalakkhi Polli Unnoyon Samiti organized a meeting on Mukti Support School (MSS) and Mukti Community Development Fund (MCDF) at Sagar Block. Mr. Sankar Haldar has been present as the keynote speaker in the discussion coven. The program started at 11 am. The objective of the meeting is to discuss the topics regarding increasing the number of MSS, continuing the existing MCDF groups and further expansion of MCDF business groups.
123 people including 32 MSS teachers, 44 MCDF members, 4 Headmasters of nearby locality, parents and others have been presented in the program.
The first topic is on the MCDF and its structure. The meeting has been organized to encourage the women of Rudranagar to become self-reliant. The attendees have been given detailed information on – how a self-help group is formed, their purpose and activities, the loan structure of Mukti, how Mukti helps to get a loan from a bank, Mukti training system, how women can get benefitted through MCDF, how to provide medical assistance to a sick family member and why MCDF differs from other self-help groups.
Apart from this MCDF has been taking various entrepreneurial initiatives for improving the socio-economic condition of the members apart from their regular meetings, savings, linkages with banks, etc. Out of these activities, fish farming, small business, agriculture and livestock are important. MCDF members also participate in different awareness programs organized by Mukti such as awareness programs on health, hygiene, cleanliness, education, environment etc. They also raise and resist the dowry system, women trafficking and child marriage like social issues.
The other topic is MSS. They have been told that MSS is created for the children of distressed families who cannot afford tuition due to financial constraints. In MSS, children are allowed to learn for a very low fee so that no child is dropped out of school. At regular intervals, a parents-teachers meeting is held to discuss the improvement of the student. A demo test is taken before the school exam so that the examinees can prepare themselves before the exam. Training for the teachers is also organized for skill development and knowledge enhancement.
The coordinators and in charge of MSS are suggested to inspire the parents (those who are already the members of MCDF) to admit their children to MSS centers and instructed the MCDF Presidents to increase the SHGs numbers by engaging the parents of the existing students of MSS (those who haven’t still enrolled their names) as MCDF members.
Mr. Halder has been presented with a memento by the Rudranagar Bishalakkhi Polli Unnoyon Samiti.