Deepak Gayen is a 42 yrs. old farmer hails from Purbo Jota, Narayanpur. He has 8 members in his family and the entire family is living on earning from Deepak’s small piece of land. Since 2009 he has been involved with Mukti’s SAM (Sustainable Agriculture Movement) project and later on he enrolled as a farmer of MOFA (Mukti Organic Farmers’ Association). He took several training of organic farming and introduced the same technique in his agricultural land; as a result he observed rapid growth of production in his land. Now he is pleased with his production and earning quite well to sustain with his family. Before 2009 Deepak was not aware of the organic farming and continuous use of chemical fertilizers and pesticide was making his land unproductive. He explained the advantages of organic farming to other farmers and 25 new farmers started organic farming under his supervision.