Mukti, in collaboration with the Himalaya Social Welfare Society (HSWS), recently operated a crucial relief operation in the flood-ravaged regions of Rampo and Tarkhola, nestled in the 10th-mile area of the Kalimpong District. This compassionate endeavor extended a lifeline to those in dire need, offering solace to beneficiaries who had suffered immeasurable losses, including family members, homes, land, possessions, and livestock.
On the 18th of October 2023, on behalf of Mukti, HSWS distributed 50 blankets and dry ration packages to the affected individuals. This timely provision of blankets was particularly significant, as winter was already making its presence felt in the hilly terrains. By equipping these affected families with essential winter supplies, Mukti aimed to ensure their warmth and well-being in the challenging months ahead.
Mukti wishes to convey its deepest gratitude to the generous supporters who rallied behind us, making it possible to stand by the side of those devastated by the floods. Your unwavering support has not only provided immediate relief but also shown that compassion can be a beacon of light in the darkest of hours.
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mukti-s-flood-relief-in-kalimpong