For the beautification of Mukti Gram Mukti has taken an aim to plant 6,000 saplings of coconut and flowering trees beside the roads. The inauguration of the roadside plantation program was held o 9th July, 2021 at Tulsir more under Nagendrapur GP.
Under the initiative Mukti will beautify around 12 Km of roadside area of Mukti Gram staring from Khatua para to Netaji club and from Milanmore to Damkal ferry ghat. 4000 of coconut saplings and 2000 Hibiscus (joba) and Oleander (Korobi) flower saplings will be planted within this area.
From tomorrow Mukti has planted 900 coconut saplings and 200 flowering plants.
150 MCDF members will be in charge of the care and conservation of the trees. Each group will plant 200 coconut and 200 flower saplings. They will work under “Food for Work”. Mukti will pay a monthly honorarium to them.
Planting roadside trees is an important welfare measures for the society. Not just beautification, these trees give relief to humans, birds and animals in sun and rains. They help in shielding winds, prevent erosion and protect side bund, reduce air pollution and greenhouse effects, increase oxygen supply and much more.