Chirag is young enthusiastic social worker and runner. He understands and value the importance of being physically fit. He is a role model to today’s young generations. He is equally passionate about social works and tries to help various social causes. This year Chirag is running in Tata Steel Kolkata Marathon and supporting the cause of MUKTI. Please support his cause by contributing whatever small amount it can be.
[gdlr_button href=”https://muktiweb.ketto.org/fundraiser/ChiragMukherjeeforEnvironmentNGI3M” target=”_self” size=”large” background=”#4fbed6″ color=”#ffffff” with_border=”yes” border_color=”#368799″] [gdlr_icon type=”icon-magic”]Support His Cause[/gdlr_button]
In his words:
[gdlr_quote align=”center” ]I am 33 and currently employed in Cognizant. I had succumbed to the lifestyle that people working as IT professionals are generally accredited to. Sedentary lifestyle, nil on sweat, high on calories and ailments. My brother-in-law is my inspiration who made me hit the track there has been no looking back ever since. I have been working in IT sector for 11 years now and I wish to set an example for the younger generation entering this sector that health is not an option but a choice.
I have participated in several marathons in the past 3 years and this time I am glad to be able to do it for a greater cause through Mukti i.e. support farmers for their well-being & in the flood affected areas. Please help us to make this mission a success by supporting my cause and donating as per your convenience.[/gdlr_quote]