From drawing a sun, house, tree to scribbling down numbers, from playing hangman on the back pages of a notebook to practicing our signature, from creating paper-boats to writing down plans to do list, the humble paper is a basic need that was always fulfilled for us – the more fortunate lot.There are many others for whom a paper is a luxury unaffordable item.
Mukti in association with Humanity for You and Me (HUM) foundation identified that this basic need of a student should be fulfilled and must not remain a luxury for them. This gave birth to this project and initiative to distribute books and daily stationery items to students who cannot afford it. The project involves identifying distress school students and distributing the books and stationery items. On 27th December, we started our distribution of notebooks and stationery items atG7, GE Block, Salt Lake Sector 3, Near UCO Bank Training Centre. Total 1000 Books were distributed to 150 Students. Apart from books, pens, pencils, school bags, erasers, sharpeners, geometry box, note copy were also distributed.
MUKTI in association with HUM also distributed snacks, biscuits since the kids were also hungry. The event ended at 1 pm as the kids rushed home to show off their new books to their families and friends. We all were happy to watch the gleeful faces of the students and hope many more such initiatives will be held in future to share happiness and gift of knowledge.