Anirban Maity, hailing from the small village of Pindrui in the Paschim Midnapur district of West Bengal, harbored an eager desire to be successful in his career during his student years. The village, with its limited opportunities for quality education, made dreams seem as distant as the stars. Financial struggles were a constant challenge, making the pursuit of higher education a barely imaginable luxury. Despite his passion for learning and a burning desire to build a better future, hopes were almost crushed by financial constraints, which his parents, father – Gopal Chandra Maiti and mother – Jharna Rani Maiti, tried to alleviate by working day and night.
Hope appeared in the form of Chandan Kumar Maiti, the headmaster of Krishnachandrapur School, who recognized Anirban’s potential and introduced him to Mukti. Mukti, dedicated to helping underprivileged students achieve their dreams, became the necessary support system. The turning point in his life arrived when a gracious supporter named Mr. Padmanava Sen stepped forward to support his education from 2021 to 2024.
With this support, Anirban was able to enroll in the Hotel Management course at Chandigarh University. For the first time, the path to success seemed attainable. The rigorous curriculum, combined with practical experience, fuelled his enthusiasm and sharpened his skills in the culinary arts.
Upon graduation, his hard work was rewarded with a position as a Commis Chef at the prestigious Jio World Center in Mumbai. Working in one of the city’s premier dining establishments provided him the chance to refine his craft and contribute to creating exceptional dining experiences.
Looking back, Anirban feels immense gratitude for the people and organizations that made his journey possible. Mukti’s steadfast support, Chandan Kumar Maiti’s belief in his potential, and Padmanava Sen’s generosity transformed his life, turning a dream into reality.