The students of Akshaynagar Mukti Support School (MSS) commemorate the 202 birth anniversary of Pandit Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar on 26th September 2021, Sunday. To spread among the students the message of Vidyasagar, one of the pillars of new Bengal renaissance, known for his signal contribution to education and women’s emancipation, the teachers and students of Akshaynagar MSS organized a program to remember the educationist on his birth anniversary.
As the schools are closed due to the Covid-19 pandemic the students gather at the house of Mr. Jagannath Jana, retired school teacher of Akshaynagar MSS and a senior Mukti volunteer to celebrate the birth anniversary. At around 4 pm 57 students along with their two teachers arrived at the spot. They decorated the poster of Vidyasagar and Mr. Jana pay homage by keeping a garland on the photo.
Describing Vidyasagar as a legendary educationist and social reformer who fought for women’s education and played a pivotal role in getting widows remarried, as well as ending the shameful and stigmatized practice of child marriage, Mr. Jana motivated the students. He also said that Vidyasar is a revered figure in Bengal as he also played an important role in modernizing and simplifying the Bengali alphabet by creating “Barnaparichay”.
The ideals of Vidyasagar inspired the students and they take the pledge that they would try their best to follow the path set by him.
The meeting is adjourned at 5:30 pm. Mukti provides one packet of biscuits and chocolate to each student as a little refreshment.