AID (Association for India’s Development) volunteer Mr. Amalendu Chatterjee with his family members his wife Mrs. Arundhuti Chatterjee and her sister Ms. Shakuntala Banerjee visited Mukti Gram on 9th January 2023. Encouraged by hearing about the liberation activities, they came to visit the liberation village.
On 9th January they reached Mukti Gram at 1-1:30 pm. In the afternoon they went to explore the project sites of Mukti at Mukti Gram like – roadside beautification, Dragon Plantation, horticulture nursery, SAM (Sustainable Agricultural Movement) project sites, housing project, Kadaknath, Quail farm, incubator machine, mangrove nursery cum plantation site etc.
Among all the projects they liked the SAM project very much. They had spent quite a long time in the organic fields. They interacted with SAM staff and enjoyed plucking green vegetables from the fields. They also cited the preparation of organic manure and vermicompost pits.
At the end of the trip, they gave their feedback that they had enjoyed their tour to Mukti Gram. They thank Mukti for arranging such a beautiful and instructive tour for them. They appreciated the activities of Mukti and its well-spoken and impressive team, working towards a great cause.
Mukti is obliged to them for taking the time to visit Mukti Village. Mukti invites them to visit again.