On February 24, at 2 pm Vasundhara festival was celebrated in M.I.G Building. The aim of this fair was to bring the farmers, vendors and customers together. The programme was inaugurated by Sri Purnendu Basu, Agriculture Minister, Government of West Bengal. There were all together 16 stalls in the fair such as various types of rice, dal, oil, ghee, honey, jaggery, seeds of many vegetables etc. Mukti’s stall was organized by Mukti Fresh. They sold fresh organic vegetables in significant quantities to many customers. There were also mouth-watering cooked items in the stalls for selling purpose such as egg curry, fish, chicken, prawn, pitha, pickle, coconut sweets, etc.
We have all heard about Abanindranath Tagore’s Katum Kutum i.e. things made out of waste product. Here in the fair with the same thought was put into work. Beautiful articles made out of waste product were sold by the village women. A team from Japan visited the fair and shared their work operandi. The learning was that they inspire and encourage organic farming to all citizens’ right from their childhood. Mukti agricultural project team benefited from the various interactions at the fair. It also gave good traction to our ‘Mukti Fresh’ brand.