They say charity begins at home. And a perfect such example was set up by Pampa and Kalyan, a couple residing in San Jose, CA who showed that you could teach a valuable lesson to your kid as early as on his/her first birthday. A teaching that develops a sense responsibility to give back to the community by simply sharing some of your own resources. A teaching to show that sharing is caring. At their daughter Arshia, the little princess’s first birthday ceremony, they asked the guests to pledge for Mukti for Social Development (MSD) as a gift, wishing that the donation goes for the kids who greatly need it. When asked about what motivated them to pursue such noble act, Pampa said, “My daughter has enough toys to play and cloths to wear. We would be really happy to see that other little kids like Arshia also get a chance to enjoy their childhood just as her”. A generous pledge was donated to MSD. This donation will go towards rehabilitating the children and their families affected by Cyclone Laila in Andhra Pradesh, India. Thanks to the little angel Arshia and her big-hearted parents for bringing smile to the remotest part of India.