Mukti was created one farm of Kadaknath Chicken under the supervision of Mrs. Mamata Bhandari (Mukti Sathi) at Mukti Gram. On her farm, she had grown 170 Kadaknath chickens. Now these chickens have started laying eggs.
These birds are popular for their strong immunity, can thrive on local grains and insects and they do not need elaborate housing. Kadaknath chicken producing one egg is equal to 10 eggs of the exotic layer birds, and so is true for its meat. Its egg and meat have medical value and are high in iron and other nutrients.
However the Kadaknath chicken does not hatch the eggs, so the eggs need to be hatched in the incubator. Mukti will keep the fertile eggs in the incubator for 21 days. It will take three more days to hatch. It’s important to keep the chicks in the incubator until they are completely dry. This month Mukti has hatched 209 eggs. This process can be followed 12 times in a year e.g. one time in each month.
Mrs. Mamta Bhandari is working under the “Food for Work” project and thus Mukti has allowed her to earn a livelihood. When the chicks are mature enough Mukti will distribute the chicks to other women of Mukti Gram. Each of them will receive 20 chicks. This process will go on every month.
Mukti is trying to empower women through various initiatives. Poultry farming is one of them. Mukti is hopeful that many women will show their interest and will come forward to make themselves self-supporting through chicken hatching.