MCDF (Mukti Community Development Fund) has organized Pedal Incense making training program at Raidighi and Kultoli for members of Self-Help groups (SHG) as part of its women empowerment initiatives. The skill building training was given by a SHG member, Ms. Supriya Gaine, who got the training from MCDF to develop women entrepreneurs. The training was attended by almost 70 SHG members from Raidighi and Kultoli. The training was started from the beginning of August and has been completed on the 1st week of September. All the trainees were serious about the learning process and learned the technique of using pedal machine to make large numbers of incense sticks.
The trainer Ms. Supriya Gayen is very happy after providing the training to the village folk and informed us that two trainees each from Raidighi and Kultali have expressed interest in buying Pedal Incense making machines for engaging themselves in the incense stick-making business.
Trainees expressed their happiness at learning this new technique for earning a livelihood. Trainees are passionate about the training and confident about their success in the near future. MUKTI is promoting mass awareness about the benefit of training programs to create interest in the local village women for joining various workshops organized by MUKTI.
MUKTI encourages collection of the raw material at the cheapest rates for maximizing the profit for the individual entrepreneurs. MUKTI is optimistic that a variety of training programs like this one aimed at women empowerment will hopefully reach the maximum number of people.