On July 2nd, 2023, the Let’s Do Some Good Foundation (LDSGF) spread joy by gifting a delectable lunch to 307 individuals, including students, teachers, and ground staff of the Mukti Kishalaya Support School (MKSS). This day held a special significance as it marked the death anniversary of Ms. Sonali’s mother. Ms.Sonali is a cherished member of the LDSGF. In loving memory of her mother, the foundation decided to honor the occasion by providing the young ones with a nutritious and delightful meal.
The menu comprised rice, dal, potato-pointed gourd curry, chicken, fried wafers, mango chutney, ripe mangoes, and jackfruit. The students gratefully expressed their appreciation to their “Sonali masi” (Aunt Sonali) for organizing such a delicious feast for them. Mukti, in turn, extended sincere thanks to the LDSGF for their generous support and contribution.