Embracing the global shift towards environmental consciousness, Mukti has been actively contributing to the cause of raising social awareness of the environment. We, the teachers and students from six centers of Sagardeep Mukti Support Schools (MSS) united at the premises of Phulbari Sheetala High School on February 2, 2024. This was the site of commemoration of “World Wetland Day”, organized by Mukti in conjunction with the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Government of India.
Distinguished by the presence of senior officials, the headmaster of Phulbari Sheetala High School, and renowned environmental expert Dr. Amlesh Mishra, the event drew participation from 45 students representing the MSS centers of Sagardeep, as well as students from Baman Khali High School, and Vivekananda High School.
The focal point of the program was water body care, the prevention of water body pollution, and an insightful exploration of the advantages and disadvantages associated with different organisms in aquatic ecosystems. Under the guidance of Dr. Amlesh Mishra, it was decided that Mukti would collaborate with the Government Environment Department on crucial initiatives such as the conservation of water bodies, Rain Water Harvesting, and the impact of saline water on the soil of Sundarban & Neighboring Islands. These initiatives are poised to have a direct impact on the lives of the local communities.
Following these discussions, a vibrant quiz program was conducted, attracting the participation of ten teams. The first and third-place positions were secured by Kompanichar MSS and Kachuberia MSS, respectively.
Let all of us come forward to protect Mother Nature from pollution, echoing the poet Sukanta’s sentiment: “I firmly pledge to every newborn, I will make this world habitable for you”.
In salutation,
Deepak Poira (Field Coordinator – Education)
Gallery link: https://muktiweb.org/gallery/album/mss-s-environmental-awareness-event-on-world-wetlands-day