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Empowering Rural Community Since 2003

Program Dashboard

Door to Door Visit

01. Why the Program is?

● Initiatives are needed to educate the rural population on social, environmental, and health issues.
● It is essential to empower marginalized women by enhancing their decision-making abilities within their households.
● It is important to preserve our values, heritage amongst students and youth by fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
● Observance days do more than just educate; they inspire action, raise awareness, and contribute to broader societal changes.
● These programs are instrumental in promoting community participation and collaboration, encouraging social bonding, which is pivotal for the community’s collective growth.
● The region is characterized by traditional gender roles and norms that limit women’s economic opportunities and reinforce unequal power dynamics.
● Cultural programs blend entertainment and education, making learning about critical issues more engaging and impactful.

03. What is the Objective?

● To improve understanding of critical social, environmental, and health issues among the rural populace in Sundarbans.
● To develop initiatives aimed at empowering marginalized women, enabling them to make significant decisions within their families and communities.
● To organize cultural shows and observance days to honor and preserve the rich cultural heritage of Sundarbans, thereby fostering a sense of community and shared purpose.
● To utilize observance days and related activities to raise public awareness, mobilize community support, and inspire individual and collective actions for societal change.
● To foster community participation and enhance social connections by promoting engagement in these initiatives.
● To implement programs to challenge and transform traditional gender norms, thereby promoting equality and expanding economic opportunities for women.
● To develop and deliver cultural programs that blend entertainment and education, making learning about critical societal issues more engaging, memorable, and impactful.

04. Where the Program is?

South 24 Pgs, Howrah, East Medinipur and West Medinipur districts of West Bengal, India

05. How we are working ?

A dedicated implementation team is involved in the successful delivery of the programs. Each project has a dedicated project coordinator and field supervisor who are actively engaged in the project’s implementation. A Program Lead oversees and monitors the project on a weekly basis and provides regular reports to the funding agency according to the required format.

Impact Stories

Activity Stream


Mukti and RPF MDSTI Join Forces to Combat Human Trafficking


Rooted in Responsibility: MSS’s and MCDF’s Earth Day Initiatives


Play, Laugh, Unite: Mukti’s Sports Fest for Shahoshini and Swastha Shongini


Celebrating World Wetlands Day: MSS Environmental Awareness Event


Mukti’s VOCAD Research: Volunteer Dynamics


Ensuring Respect: PoSH Initiatives at the Workplace


Mukti for Social Development, Australia Charity Fest for Sundarbans Development


Mukti Nurtures Safe and Respectful Workspaces

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Alliances that Drive Success


Contact Info:

Email :

Phone : + 91-6290589664


22 Canal Side Road, Barhans, Garia, Kolkata – 700 084

