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Empowering Rural Community Since 2003

Program Dashboard

Women Getting Benefitted
Capacity Building Trainings

01. Why the Project is?

• Project area is culturally enriched but backward with limited decision-making roles for girls and women.
• Women occupy the lowest position in the family hierarchy due to a lack of income, making them vulnerable.
• Covid-19 and Climate Change worsened the problem, leaving people jobless with few livelihood opportunities.
• MUKTI supports through Chick Rearing Program to empower women.
• Program identifies potential leaders as entrepreneurs for sustainable livelihoods.

02. What the project is?

• Project promotes economic empowerment of Covid-19 affected families in Purba and Paschim Medinipur districts, West Bengal, India.
• Provides support for chick rearing as an alternate livelihood source for impoverished women.
• Aims to make participants self-reliant.
• Offers capacity-building training on enterprise management, business dynamics, and rural markets.
• Dedicated team of project managers and field supervisors working for project success.

03. How the Project is?

• Project benefits 2000 women annually.
• Creates Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and provides 30 chicks per year.
• Chicks distributed quarterly with 10 per beneficiary.
• Capacity-building training on chick-rearing provided.
• Skill development training offered to enhance income.
• Dedicated team of project managers and field supervisors ensures project success.

04. Where the project is?

Egra, Dantan-I, Dantan-II, Keshiary, Narayangarh Block, East & West Medinipur District.

05. What the impact is?

• Distributed 22,000 chicks to 2000 SHG women, forming 2000 self-help groups.
• Formed 170 self-help groups.
• Conducted 25 Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) sessions.
• Conducted 34 Capacity Building Training Workshops.

Impact Stories

Activity Stream


Srijan and Mukti’s Chick Distribution Program: Nurturing Livelihoods


From Chicks to Empowerment: Mukti and Srijan’s Collaborative Endeavor


Role models inspire women entrepreneurs in chick-rearing: Mukti organizes field trip


Mukti Distributed 27,670 Chicks to 1700 SHG Members


Coal India Distributes 200 Chicks to 20 Beneficiaries


Wings of Success: Empowering Women through Poultry Farming in Purba Medinipur


Mukti Forms 150 SHGs in Purba and Paschim Medinipur Districts


Mukti Encourages Backyard Farming Through Chick Distribution

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Contact Info:

Email :

Phone : + 91-6290589664


22 Canal Side Road, Barhans, Garia, Kolkata – 700 084

