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SDG to Project Mapping

Group 1

    Livelihood, Sustainable Agriculture Movement

Group 2

  • Swastha Shonghini, Medical Camp, Ambulance Service
  • Jal Hi Kal, Mukto Dhara
  • Solar Water Pump

Group 3

  • MCDF, SIDBI, Skill Development, SWAS, Chick Rearing, MEE
  • Voice, ACV, A View, Shahoshini

Group 4

  • MKSS, MSS, TSS, MIT, Mukti Academy, Value Education

Group 5

  • Mukti Gram, Bio-Village

Group 6

  • Cyclone Tolerant House, Sun-G, Pond Rejuvenation, Organic Farming
  • Mukti Green Defence in Sundarban

Project to SDG Mapping


Health, Water & Sanitation

Swastha Shongini, Jal Hi Kal, Gram Clinic, Ambulance Support


Education & Enrichment

Kishalaya Support School, Mukti Support School, Talented Student Sponsorship, Mukti Institute of Technology, Mukti Academy, Value Education, Employment Exchange


Agriculture Reform

Sustainable Agriculture Movement, Kitchen Gardening, Organic Training


Livelihood & Enablement

Skill Development Trainings, Mukti Community Development Fund, Swavlamban Accelerator in Sundarban


Enviroment & Resilience

Cyclone Tolerant House, Sun-G, MGDS, Climate Resilience River Embankment, Pond Rejuvenation, Plantation


Rights & Special Needs

Voice, Amplifying Community Voices, A VIEW, Shahoshini


Awareness & Empowerment

Voice, Amplifying Community Voices, Shahoshini


Integrated Development

Mukti Gram, Bio-Village


Disaster Recovery

Relief Support