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Empowering Rural Community Since 2003

Program Dashboard

Plant Sell
Customer Reach Out
Job Creation

01. Why the project is?

• SHG women in Sundarbans region established a horticulture nursery with Mukti’s support, implementing unique cultivation methods.
• Despite their efforts, they faced challenges selling plants and generating income.
• In response, Mukti established a community business unit, connecting women’s plant products with buyers.
• This unit ensures a viable income source, bridging the gap between the women’s nurtured plants and the market.
• It promotes their entrepreneurial endeavors and empowers them economically.

02. What the project is?

• Mukti Green collaborates provided a market to the SHG women from the Sundarbans region, who nurture and cultivate healthy plants.
• These women supply their plant products to Mukti Green, the team carefully selects the plants based on market demand, quality, and suitability.
• They ensure that the plants meet certain standards and are of high quality to attract potential buyers.
• Mukti Green takes responsibility for marketing and promoting the plants nurtured by the horticulture farmers.
• This includes showcasing the plants through various channels such as their website, social media platforms, local events, and collaborations with retailers.

03. How the project is?

• Mukti Green has its own delivery system for transporting high-quality plants and Mangrove from local horticulturists to customers in Kolkata.
• The project has created employment opportunities for over 50 individuals.
• It promotes an environmentally responsible way of life.
• The initiative contributes towards a brighter future by emphasizing sustainability.

04. Where the project is?

Our store is located at Canal Side Road, Garia, Kolkata – 700084, Near Kavi Nazrul Metro Station

05. What is the impact?

• Mukti Green has empowered underprivileged women by helping them fulfill their dreams.
• The initiative provides a sustainable source of income, enabling women to meet their daily requirements and improve their standard of living.
• It establishes a socially responsible business model that benefits the community.
• Mukti Green promotes sustainable farming practices and offers high-quality, locally grown plants.

Impact Stories

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Contact Info:

Email :

Phone : + 91-7003440023


22 Canal Side Road, Barhans, Garia, Kolkata – 700 084

