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Feature News

Mukti-KPMG: Sustainable Eco-Livelihood Drive

Mukti, in collaboration with KPMG, launched a project called Mukti Green Defense System in Sundarbans (MGDS) which is a comprehensive solution to combat river embankment erosion in the Kankandighi and Nagendrapur Gram Panchayat region of Sundarbans. This solution outlines a holistic approach involving the plantation of four types of mangrove trees near the riverside, coupled….

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Sundarban Greens: A Quiet Revolution

In the “Sun-G” (Sundarban Greens) project, initiated by Mukti and supported by the “Small Industries Development Bank of India” (SIDBI), a plantation drive was commenced at Purba Jata and Paschim Jata bio-village under Kankandighi GP. This endeavor was aimed at both the greening of the area and the protection of the river embankment. A 7-kilometer….

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Fostering Livestock Welfare: Mukti’s Napier Grass Plantation Project

Vetiver grass and dragon fruit plantations along the 20-kilometer stretch of the river embankment at Nagendrapur have been a significant effort by Mukti toward the critical need for the preservation of river embankments. However, it has also brought about a unique challenge: fodder scarcity for the livestock belonging to landless tribal communities, who were reliant….

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Mukti and ICA Unite: Transforming Sundarban’s Ponds for a Sustainable Future

Pond rejuvenation in the Sundarban region has become a critical endeavour to preserve the delicate ecosystem and improve the livelihoods of the local communities. These ponds play a vital role in sustaining the ecological balance. However, over time, these ponds have faced various challenges, including pollution, siltation, and encroachment, leading to their deterioration. Recognizing the….

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ACV Consortium Visits Embankment Protection Initiative of Mukti

The organization “National Center of Advocacy Study” is a consortium member of the Amplifying Community Voices (ACV) project. This organization is helping Mukti with the initiation of community-led advocacy on various relevant issues. Since there are diverse approaches being followed by various groups to tackle the widespread issue of fragile river embankments in the Sundarbans,….

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Empowering Rural Community Since 2003

Program Dashboard

Trees Planted
SHG Women Empowered
Man-Days Created
Pond Rejuvenated

01. Why the Program is?

• Sundarbans serves as a barrier against cyclones and storms, thus preserving them can significantly reduce flood risks and protect densely populated areas.
• Sundarbans act as a carbon sink, playing an important role in reducing global warming. Protecting and enhancing these natural carbon sinks is essential to mitigate climate change impacts.
• Increasing salinity intrusion is causing ponds to dry up and contaminating groundwater. This is leading to a drinking water crisis, which is worsened by climate change-induced disasters.
• The local population is heavily reliant on the Sundarbans’ resources for fishing, agriculture, and tourism. Degradation of this environment threatens their livelihoods to severe extent.
• The region has suffered degradation due to unsustainable practices and frequent cyclones and floods.
• The region is experiencing the detrimental impacts of climate change such as rising sea levels, saline water intrusion, and cyclonic storms.

03. What is the Objective?

• To enhance the resilience of the Sundarbans as a natural barrier against cyclones and storms to protect local communities and habitats.
• To develop and implement strategies to mitigate the impacts of saline intrusion, preserve freshwater sources, and ensure sustainable access to safe drinking water.
• To establish sustainable practices in fishing, agriculture, and tourism sectors to maintain income sources for local communities without degrading the environment.
• To undertake initiatives for mangrove restoration and the development of resilient infrastructure to adapt to climate change impacts and prevent further environmental degradation.
• To implement strategies to protect and enhance the carbon sequestration capacity of the Sundarbans to contribute to global climatechange mitigation efforts.
• To develop comprehensive programs to build community resilience and adaptive capacities to cope with the impacts of climate change
• To conduct educational programs and awareness campaigns for local communities on the importance of environmental protection and sustainable livelihood practices.

04. Where the Program is?

South 24 Pgs, Howrah, East Medinipur and West Medinipur districts of West Bengal, India

05. How we are working ?

A dedicated implementation team is involved in the successful delivery of the programs. Each project has a dedicated project coordinator and field supervisor who are actively engaged in the project’s implementation. A Program Lead oversees and monitors the project on a weekly basis and provides regular reports to the funding agency according to the required format.

Contact Info

Email :

Phone : +91-6290589664


22 Canal Side Road, Barhans, Garia, Kolkata – 700 084

