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Student Details


Soumen Das

Sponsorship Bucket NA
Present Education B.Tech in computer science and Engineering
Present Institution JIS college of engineering
Address Vill + P.o - Kumirda, P.S - Marishda, Dist - Purba Medinipur, West Bengal, Pin - 721444.
Email dassoumen0818@gmail.com
Joint Rank 18323(GMR)
Educational Background I completed my 10th standard from Sarpai Model Institution in 2021 and my percentage is 92.86% . I completed my 12th standard from Nachinda J.K High school in 2023 and my percentage is 74.2% .
About Myself Soumen Das . Currently I am studying CSE stream in B.Tech course from JIS college of engineering. I completed my 10th standard from Sarpai Model Institution and 12th standard from Nachinda J.K High School. My WBJEE joint rank is 18323. After completing my B.Tech degree I want to be a software engineer in Amazon Company . My family has 4 members including me . My father is a farmer and my mother is a house wife and there is only one person who earns in our family. Also my studying fees is around 10,000 per month. So, in favour of one person it's so tough. So, I am thankful to Mukti - Anmol foundation and Anmol Industries for providing a scholarship to me .