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Student Details


Bikram Ghosh

Sponsorship Bucket Bucket C (₹24000)
Present Education Bachelar of Engineering (Leather Technology) 4th year 2nd semester
Present Institution Govt. College of Engineering & Leather Technology
Address Vill-Majdiha ,PS- Ohda , Dist-Bankura, West bengal
Email gbikram103@gmail.com
Joint Rank WBJEE Rank-16440
Educational Background 64.57% scored in Madhyamik in 2017 & 65.4% in HS in the year 2019
Polytechnic Rank NA
Current / Last Sponsor Mr. Mahesh Pansari
Sponsorship History 2019-20 ;20-21;21-22;22-23Mr. Mahesh Pansari (Primarc)
About I am a student of B.E 1st year in the stream of Leather Technology from Govt. College of Engineering and Leather Technology. My home is in the Majdiha village in Bankura. My father is a daily labour and my mother is a housewife. My father is the only bread earner in the family and his annual income is almost 60000/-. It is very difficult for him to arrange expenses of my education. I stay in hostel and my annual expense is almost Rs.14350/-. I have applied for sponsorship in Mukti so that I can get financial support for my studies which will be a great help to me and my family.Hope fully I have got selected and thanks to Primarc Prabhu Dayal charitable Trust for supporting me.