Welcome to Mukti

Students Selection Criteria

Students are selected for the TSS program under an open and transparent process, conducted and monitored by a central selection committee of MUKTI. The following are the features of the selection process:

  • Must be a permanent resident of West Bengal.
  • Must have a minimum score of 80% & above at Secondary & Higher Secondary levels.
  • The selection is based on both the merit of the student as well as his/her financial situation.
  • Each student is given a form to fill up with the following information: Personal details, Educational details (current & past) and Family details.
  • The details in the form are extensively verified. The school teachers’ feedback is an important indicator of the student’s academic history. Local knowledge and feedback are gathered to verify the family details, especially those regarding financial condition. The local Mukti coordinator will verify the student’s financial condition, and the respective section will be filled up in the form.
  • The approximate annual income of the family is used as an indicator to determine the family’s (in)ability to provide adequate financial support for their child.
  • Student should have a bank account to receive money from Mukti; if required, MUKTI will help the student to open bank account.
  • Last date of application submission is 15th August 2024.
  • Selection list will be published within beginning of October.